Morehead HVAC

Multiple HVAC units on the side of a condo unit

HVAC Replacement

HVAC replacement can be due to a variety of reasons. Most of the time, you’re upgrading or replacing a failing unit. One of the most significant signs it’s time to replace or upgrade your heating and cooling system is an increase in energy bills. While you may not notice a massive jump in costs, if you add up the slight increases in your bills each month or year, it can be more than you bargained.

Ugrading Your Unit

The harder a unit has to work, the higher your energy bills. This goes beyond just a dirty filter. An older unit is just that; it’s old. The internal parts have done the work for years, and they wear out over time. Rather than meticulously replacing every part, sometimes it’s best to go out with the old and in with the new!

When Is The Right Time?

Things that are heated and cooled, they expand and retract. It’s just the way of things! But the loud humming noises that interrupt your favorite TV shows or family dinners are signaling it’s time for a new unit.

If your current system never seems to shut off, it is running less efficiently. Those older parts wear out over time. Even with all of the correct maintenance and repairs, sometimes it’s best to upgrade! Aged parts are harder to replace, and it sometimes seems as soon as you replace one, another one gives out on you. The US Department of Energy states a unit over the age of 10 years old, when replacing it with an energy star model, you can save up to 20% on energy bills. Who doesn’t want to save that much money?!

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